dilluns, 4 de setembre del 2017

MausCrochet en Japón

Fushimi Inari Taisha

El pasado mes de mayo (del 17 al 28 del 2017) el Sr MausCrochet (fotógrafo oficial) y yo estuvimos en Japón (日本). Una experiencia muy recomendable. 

Y como una imagen vale más que mil palabras, aquí abajo hay una "pequeña" representación de fotos de este espectacular país junto a Maus y la Kokeshi que tejí siguiendo el patrón de La Calle de la Abuela (gracias =^.^=).

También me gustaría compartir mi experiencia como vegana y al final de la entrada podréis encontrar un resumen de los restaurantes donde estuvimos comiendo, y también mi humilde opinión sobre los animales allí.

Espero que os gusten las fotos y que las recomendaciones finales sean de ayuda si viajáis a "Nihon".

dissabte, 2 de setembre del 2017

MausCrochet in London

St. Pancras International

Last April - 2 to 7 - (14 years and 2 months later from my first as a student) I did my second Erasmus, but now as a professional.

I "repeated" in Regent's University of London (it was very touching but also very beneficial, and I could live the two sides of the institution, as a student and as a professional), and I "discovered" Queen Mary University of London (I learned a lot a lot a lot, I felt like home, it was very intense and interesting, and I love the "old" Campus).

As a curiosity I learned that both universities are connected by the Regent's Canal, walking for aprox 2h and 30 minuts. 

After work, I enjoyed to walk around areas that I didn't know yet, and as always, London never disappoints you. (Pictures follows).

I could explain thousands and thousands of things about this amazing experience, but it is better if I stop here (jejeje) (some vegan tips and other info are given below).

I am deeply grateful to have been given this opportunity. I enjoyed every second of the experience. I improved myself as a professional and as a person.

 And once more (even they know) I want to thank to all the people who helped me in every stage of my grant: my colleagues (they stand me a lot), my family (for their support there) and -very special- to all those who received me in QMUL and RUL and treated me so kindly.